Defensa Personal

Técnicas de Escape

Aprende a defenderte sin depender de la fuerza. ¡Empieza hoy mismo tu entrenamiento!

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Defensa Personal con Manuel Altan

Desde 2005, enseñamos estrategias efectivas para que todos puedan defenderse sin necesidad de fuerza. Tu seguridad es nuestra prioridad.



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Defensa Personal Efectiva

Aprende a defenderte con estrategias efectivas y sin depender de la fuerza física.

Clases Personalizadas
A person wearing boxing gloves is in a defensive stance, with their arms raised to cover their face. The gloves are brightly colored with a red, white, and blue design, and the word 'Fairtex' is visible on them. The scene is dimly lit, with the person wearing a blue athletic shirt.
A person wearing boxing gloves is in a defensive stance, with their arms raised to cover their face. The gloves are brightly colored with a red, white, and blue design, and the word 'Fairtex' is visible on them. The scene is dimly lit, with the person wearing a blue athletic shirt.

Ofrecemos clases adaptadas a tus necesidades y nivel de habilidad en defensa personal.

Talleres Grupales

Participa en talleres grupales para aprender y practicar técnicas de defensa personal.

Entrenamiento Continuo

Mejora tus habilidades con un entrenamiento constante y apoyo profesional.

Las estrategias de Manuel Altan me han empoderado. Ahora me siento seguro y capaz de defenderme en cualquier situación. ¡Altamente recomendado!

Juan Pérez

Two individuals are engaged in a sparring session, wearing protective headgear and gloves. One person is delivering a punch while the other has a defensive stance. They are in a training environment with a large logo in the background, and two other individuals are seen in the background, seemingly observing or preparing for their turn.
Two individuals are engaged in a sparring session, wearing protective headgear and gloves. One person is delivering a punch while the other has a defensive stance. They are in a training environment with a large logo in the background, and two other individuals are seen in the background, seemingly observing or preparing for their turn.



Explora momentos destacados de nuestras clases de defensa personal.